Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Forgotten Gem

So I found this video and decided to share- our dear bishop told us to try out this valentines date night thing for engaged/married couples at the institute building.  We were a little wary but I sort of told him I would go and so we decided we would slip in and if it was awful we could just slip out.  It ended up being more of just dinner than a Relationship Seminar.  There was some serious people watching.  Serious people watching.  All really nice people- especially the whole table who asked us 5 times if we wanted to come to their overflowing table of 12 because we were sitting alone even though there was absolutely no way we would have fit.  Hahaha My favorite comment of that night was when a guy came up to introduce himself - (since we declined his seating invite) and asked Tony what his heritage was.  He didn't feel the need to ask me.  My "ancestors" hail from California and Provo!  Great crowd there. Anywho, here is the video- mostly I just want people to hear the background saxaphone music.  Definitely the BEST part of the evening. 