Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We finally got to take our trip to NYC and it was really fun to spend some time with Tony's bff Todd and his wife Jessica who are currently living upstate. They took us to all of the church sites around Palmyra which I have been waiting my whole life to do and I was not disappointed.
The sacred grove was so beautiful. I have a big place in my heart for the outdoor beauties of life thanks to my parents. We were the only ones there and it was at dusk and it was just.... well... perfection. We also got to go do a session in the Palmyra temple across from Joseph's house and that was pretty neat as well.  Definitely a good experience!

We stopped at a mennonite store upstate and we found the Bible on one page. ...

Then we headed down to NYC in Todd and Jessica's car.... in the first snowstorm of the year aka one of the worst.
The car in front of us spun into the median and then continued on back over to us and luckily Todd was able to get out of the way.... cheap thrills.  After 5 hours we made it safely to the marriott marquis in times square!
A fun place to stay, thanks to ms. Kelli Whitney for hooking us up.

Tony loves museums and so I took him to the Natural history museum ... this was probably the best part... i'm bummed we didn't actually buy these in the gift shop... probably a good reason to go back?

 These are just the pics I took on my phone so not too many but you get the idea.  We also went to the manhattan ward in the city and boy were we in luck!  It was the primary program... tony had tears from laughing so hard.  By FAR the best one I've witnessed.  Thank heavens for children! Killed me.

Halloween was spent mostly in the airport but we got home and got a nap in before the family came over for trick or treating. I must say we have got a pretty good looking bunch.

Hope you had a happy halloween!


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