Friday, February 17, 2012

Vday APp

On valentines day after work tony had told me he needed to prepare my gift for a minute... an hour later he comes down and says it's not really working and he has to wait for it to load.  I'm thinking he is loading a you tube song and he's going to do like a little performance! That would have been great.  Well one hour after that he finally brings me my phone with a new app on it... one that he made himself!  Why is he so smart?!  Here is a little looksey of what it was....

So if you will be at a ReAL game this season come look us up because we will be at every single one!! 

I wanted to get Tony a treat and I went with my friend LIndsey to a yummy chocolate place downtown only to find "fancy" chocolates.  Tony doesn't usually care for fancy food.  I wanted to eat one of everything there so I got him a chocolate caramel apple and I bought myself these so that I wouldn't ask for a bite!
OMG they were GOOD!  And I ate them...ALL.  It was rough to decide which one to save for last. 
And last but not least... this beautiful face to leave you with....

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Did tony snap that picture of himself with the rose in his mouth? funny....
