Friday, December 30, 2011

Sick Kids

The day after Christmas we were both lucky enough to have the day off... along with everyone else but still it was nice.  We mostly just watched tv in bed because cleaning has taken up a lot of time lately and it was nice to just relax.  My mom came over to wash some of her undies because her water got turned off on Christmas Eve for three days!  yikes! As soon as she was leaving I told her I got really nauseated all of a sudden and I semi got the "you never feel good look" I usually get.  So I went and cemented myself to the bed with a serious tummy trying to come up my throat feeling.  Tony was a gem and cleaned out the drain in the shower and we poured down some lysol to make it smell pretty and the smell was giving us a little headache and he said his stomach felt a little funny too. Yes, Tony actually didn't feel well.

So ..... just before midnight I wake up ... run to the ladies' room and up came my dinner, about an hour later my lunch, and a little later my breakfast.  In between Tony was losing his in about the same order. I think one of the worst decisions when you are sick is which side to put on the toilet and deciding which would be worse to clean up.... so I threw up in the garbage can and left it there because I had no strength... dear Tony took it out.  Yeah... that was pretty great of him. We are just ... becoming so close, in the most romantic way, vomit and #2. TMI?

We woke up wondering who was trying to kill us. We both stayed in bed and made our 3 day weekend a 4 day one.  I'd like to say it was enjoyable but it was mostly sleep and Popsicles and tylenol and sprite. Yesterday we both felt about 80%-100% and started eating real food and all that jazz... really exciting.

Christmas to come soon .. pictures are on my camera not my phone so please hold.  Until then I just have this...

here's hoping to a good new years smooch


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