Friday, August 19, 2011


So I've just been thinking a lot.  Why the heck am I so calm when I freak out about all big life events?  Probably because this is the best decision I can make and it's proof that this is a good thing.  I have some insight to all those fellow perfectionists out there.  Faune taught me that it is SO not worth it to sweat the small stuff!  I still struggle but now it is changing my life!  When I got my bridals done last week my hair didn't turn out like we practiced and we didn't have time to re-set it and you know what.... it was still ok!  My mom kept apologizing and I just kept telling her "I think it still looks great!"  Even though everything will not turn out exactly how we practice, plan, or hope.... it will still be ok.  I do not want to let little silly things ruin this wonderful experience for us.  Invitations were definitely the worst part since I messed those up by sealing them incorrectly with the wrong people etc but onward and upward!  Try not to sweat the small stuff.  Imperfect days are usually the ones with the best memories.  Faune told me that her niece's outside wedding had a storm and the photographer didn't show up... yikes/heart attack!  Kudos to this girl for bringing everyone inside and having "the most memorable wedding ever"  very nice!  Sometimes things don't work out and you just have to go with the flow and make the best of it.  Easier said than done but I can give my witness that life is so much better when you don't let little imperfections get in the way of enjoying whatever you are doing!  So as Faune says "be flawed and imperfect!"

So go to the mall with no make up, glasses, and sponge curlers!
My mom kept telling me I looked just like "grandma Nelly"


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