On valentines day after work tony had told me he needed to prepare my gift for a minute... an hour later he comes down and says it's not really working and he has to wait for it to load. I'm thinking he is loading a you tube song and he's going to do like a little performance! That would have been great. Well one hour after that he finally brings me my phone with a new app on it... one that he made himself! Why is he so smart?! Here is a little looksey of what it was....
So if you will be at a ReAL game this season come look us up because we will be at every single one!!
I wanted to get Tony a treat and I went with my friend LIndsey to a yummy chocolate place downtown only to find "fancy" chocolates. Tony doesn't usually care for fancy food. I wanted to eat one of everything there so I got him a chocolate caramel apple and I bought myself these so that I wouldn't ask for a bite!
OMG they were GOOD! And I ate them...ALL. It was rough to decide which one to save for last.
And last but not least... this beautiful face to leave you with....
So cute. Did tony snap that picture of himself with the rose in his mouth? funny....