Monday, April 25, 2011


We started out this easter at Tony's grandma's house.  They have a tradition of dyeing eggs that they do every year.  Last year this was the activity that I first came to at Grandma's and met the whole fam.
last year
this year

On Saturday it was back to Grandma's where we celebrated April birthdays and had dinner.  Then everyone just hung out and Amanda caught some great candid shots of Curtis looking creepy as ever.

Alexa and Shonna

playing jackpot

The following day on Easter we had dinner to celebrate Afton's bday and Danielle's with the fam.  This included delicious food and fun.  So apparently Easter brings out the 5 yr old in me.  We had an Easter egg hunt and everyone was making fun of how serious I was taking it..... there was $ in some of the eggs!!  Of course I took those dollars seriously!  To make up for it I graciously shared by candy.

the contestants with their loot

Mom had to upgrade Jake's tiny basket (Tatum's basket) since he was so great at finding eggs

Tatum had the cutest Easter dress!
 Easter for bumpa and granny included a lot of sleeping grandbabies.

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I love these kids

Happened to catch this

Ryker has a love for the camera like unto myself... the camera just loves him back.

Afton is officially a 4 yr old!

Matthew looking dapper

"Happy Easters"



  1. Cute, cute & CUTE!!! I love the pic of Ryker & Tatum! But I'm seriously creeped out by the hangman photo.... WTF IS THAT?!?!?!?!?
