Monday, August 13, 2012


Chubberz had his first birthday!  I love this little guy and even though he mostly just loves his mom I still want to hold him all the time.  He had a monster themed party with monster cake that I loved.

Last Friday I took Mack home with me from work and had him until about 11 pm.  He came out to eat with us and was doing really well without mom.... until it was time for bed.  He is very particular about his swaddling with his special blankets (which Danielle forgot to give me) ... we tried a makeshift swaddle but within two seconds he was out of it... So he finally got tired enough that he would sort of lay on my shoulder so we just went around the house with the lights off singing songs.. and I had to laugh at how much I do not know the words to any song. He fell asleep and took my spot in the bed until about from 10 to 11 we just watched tv and he sat in my lap.  I totally thought he was asleep because he is the busiest body and was totally just holding still but when I got my camera out on my phone he had his eyes wide open.  So we just snuggled and watched the olympics until mom got there while Tony slept like a baby. I loved it. But I also loved going to bed after she picked him up. Sixes...not really. May you have a chubberz in your life.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Life Lately

It's been awhile so I have a few photos... first of all we have less than one month til our one year anniversary- that went fast!  Except I feel like we were never not married, so what.
Adam and Ashley got marriaged
My Dad is now the Bishop

Tatum was our church buddy
Claire turned 60 and got 4 of the taylor kids there... epic
and before this lovely photo my hair looked like this for a few hours
I didn't cry or anything.. we just had a good laugh
I am a huge fan of my mom's older brother Uncle John.  He is nearing 70 and still surfs, goes down scary playroom slides and naps with his mouth open... sorry John it was too good, I had to take a photo. On the slide pictured below... when we were at Claire's bday party (she has an amazing house in Alpine with the coolest playroom ever- including this slide which goes from the mini kitchen upstairs down to this floor) and after everyone had toured the house remodel I took Kiron and Afton up to see it.  They were blown away naturally and kept flying down the slide.  As you can see from the below picture you come flying out and I am a scaredy cat and was scared to go down this two second slide.  I told the kids that I wanted to go but I was kind of scared... being totally serious.  Just then they both started chanting "be brave! be brave! be brave!" haha so I just had to go down and then they told me "see it's not scary, it's fun!" They will be excellent parents one day. 

Now after my "be brave!" experience I totally was.. aka I rode the skycoaster at lagoon.  I have turned down a lot of opportunities in my life because I was too scared.  I'm pretty much scared of everything, except rollercoasters. (However I wouldn't ride them until I was 15) Tony said he wanted to go and immediately I got a knot in my stomach but decided I should stop saying no and just do it.  Then came the light headed-ness when they were fitting us up and they refused to let Tony pull the rip cord and told me I need to do it.  bah.  Well they raised us much higher than I was expecting to go and after only one bad word I pulled the rip cord.  I closed my eyes during the first free fall and tried not to barf but I did it... the free fall, not the barfing.

Plus we got our faces painted
Amanda and Dom came with us and it was an excellent escape from work.
Best picture of my life
 This last week we lost my mom's oldest sister Patricia.  What an amazing woman!  I really enjoyed listening to all the talks at her funeral about how giving and kind she was.  She suffered from an amazing amount of physical ailments and mental ailments as well.  She had nothing and was still so willing to give anything she had to someone else who needed it too.  I want to be like her.  I'm glad that she is happy where she is now and that she is relieved from all her earthly burdens. I know Bob and Ruby are happy to have her back.
All the Root children

I'm so lucky to have so many blessings in my life.  Even though a lot of things are going wrong and times can be rough we still have so much!  I'm so grateful...Especially for this handsome guy....
Peace, love and olympics
